Reading progress update: I've read 75%.

Pg 219 Wayne and Marasi are trapped in a grave, bullets flying, and she asks if he has a plan to get them out:
"Plan?" Marasi asked.
"Not dyin'."
"Anything more detailed than that?"
"Not dyin' ... today?"
Even Hubby laughed at that one. LOL
Pg 359
Wayne was awakened quite rough-like, in a manner unbefitting his grand dreams, in which he was king of the dogs. Had a crown shaped like a bowl and everything. He blinked his eyes, feeling nice and warm, and got hit with a blast of air. Drowsy, he remembered he was flying in some kind of rusting airship with a fellow what had no face. And that was almost as good as the dog thing.
King of the dogs.
I love Wayne. LOL