Snakes and Ladders Roll 6

A what comes next after a nuclear war.
This was 2 shorter books in one. Separated by a few hundred years near as I could figure. I wish I could know the story of what happened between the two. What happened after Fors was welcomed back into his clan? Apparently nothing very lasting except the Traders turned secretive and pretty overbearing. I don't know if she wrote one.
Slither up the ladder: Space 55
55. Is more than 500 pages long
Ooffda. Lets see what I have.
1. Author is a woman : League of Dragons by Naomi Novik
8. Author's last name begins with the letters E, F, G, or H. : Winter in Eden by Harry Harrison
13. Author is a man : Return to Eden by Harry Harrison
22. Set in Asia: The Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson
26. Part of a series that is more than 5 books long: Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov
36. Set in Central or South America: Darkness and Dawn by Andre Norton
55. Is more than 500 pages long: