Reading progress update: I've read 82%.
It has been decided that the mysterious stranger that showed up looking for Varney is a vampire so some of the men follow him from the inn to the river and shoot at him while he's crossing the bridge.
Then this happens:
(Not an actual quote)
The moon is rising and turning everything into a beautiful glowing fairy land
Is that a human figure in the water? Is it dead?
The water is silvered with moonlight
Is that a human figure in the water? on the rocks? Is it dead?
The willows sway gently to the gurgling of the water
There's a human figure in the water on the rocks half submerged. Is it dead?
The occasional fish jumps
There's a body in the water on the rocks half submerged, arms swaying in the current. Is it dead?
The moon continues rise and slowly chase the shadows from the far bank of the river,
Where there is a body in the water on the rocks half submerged, arms swaying in the current, face upturned toward the moon. Is it dead?
Pages of this bouncing back and forth between describing the rising of the moon and the guy in the water.
There's a body in the river and we don't know if he's dead! Get on with it!